Doodle Ideas - Encouraging you to be creative.

Doodle Ideas - Encouraging you to be creative.

I have been doodling all my life. In notebooks, sketchbooks, post-its, and pretty much anything else I can get my hands on. I remember when I was in first grade, I would sell drawings of cars and super heroes for 25 cents. This interest continued all the way throughout school as I took every art class as I could.
What I love about doodling is how loose and imperfect it is. As a graphic designer bound by rules of grids, spacing, and precision - a doodle is a fun escape. I can just grab a marker and draw and not worry about how realistic or how perfect my drawing is. I just draw what comes to mind.
Doodling is not just for artists or designers. It is for anyone willing to take risks and to explore their creative side. I hope doodling brings you as much joy as it brings me. Happy doodling!

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